Details of the 2023 event
The Hills - 2023
- Dixon Road
- Cogill Road
- Ballinger Road
- Crosby Hill Road
- Glenmount Road
- Mons Road
- Lindsay Road
- Jones Road
- Mooloolaba Road
Running sheet (subject to change)
- 4.00 am Registration at University of the Sunshine Coast Stadium Sippy Downs (To Be Confirmed)
- 4.40 am Ride Briefing
- 5.00 Ride starts at Stadium
- Proceed along Uni Access Road
- Turn right into Sippy Downs Road, turn left in Dixon Rd, over motor way to Roundabout on the corner of Karawatha Drive and Dixon Road and go straight ahead
- 1 Climb Dixon Rd
- Turn left into Mooloolaba Rd, to King St and turn left at roundabout into Ballinger Rd and descend Ballinger Rd, turn left at roundabout into Ballinger Rd, turn left into Cogill Rd and
- 2 Climb Cogill Road
- Turn left into King St through roundabout to Burnett St then turn left into Crosby Hill Rd and
- descend Crosby Hill Road, turn left into Walgarri Drive, through bikepath at cul de sac into Jorl Ct, turn left into Stringybark Rd, then left at roundabout into Ballinger Rd and
- 3 Climb Ballinger Road
- Turn left into Burnett St, turn right into William St and descend Glenmount Rd, turn left into Tanawha Tourist Drive, turn left into Crosby Hill Rd and
- 4 Climb Crosby Hill Road
- Turn left into William St, turn right into Mons Rd and descend Mons Road, turn left into Tanawha Tourist Drive, turn left into Glen Mount Rd and
- 5 Climb Glenmount Road
- Into William St, turn left into Mons Rd descend Mons Road, do a U turn at the Roundabout at the bottom of Mons
- 6 Climb Mons Road
- Continue along Burnet St through Roundabout and turn left into Gloucester Rd and
- Descend Jones Rd and turn left into Lindsay Rd
- 7 Climb Lindsay Rd
- Turn left into King St and follow main road to Descend Mooloolaba Rd Turn left into Deloraine Drivethen straight through the roundabout, turn left at the next roundabout into Cumberland Way, at the end of Cumberland Way follow the bike path for 50 metres and turn left into Wises Rd, turn left at lights into Wises Rd, turn left into Pittards Rd, then Turn left at lights to
- 8 Climb Jones Road
- Turn left into Mill Rd at lights, turn left into Mooloolaba Rd. turn right into Dixon Rd and
- Descend Dixon Rd Turn left into Karawatha Dr, turn left into Golf Links Drive, turn left into Mooloolaba Rd at lights and
- 9 Climb Mooloolaba Rd
- Turn left into Dixon Rd and descend Dixon Rd, go straight through the Roundabout, continue over the motorway, turn right at lights into Sippy Downs Drive, then straight on at the roundabout towards the UNI
- All riders must be at the USC stadium by 8.00 am even if you don't complete the course